Explain common GI conditions, surgeries, and treatment options in layman’s terms!
The GI system is divided into Upper GI consisting of Oral cavity oesophagus stomach spleen and duodenum , Lower GI system or more commonly referred to as Colorectal anorectal and small Intestine and HPB system ie Hepatobiliary pancreatic system consisting of Liver Bile duct Pancreas gallbladder .
Apart from these , there are 2 more zones eg the retroperitoneum and the parites which form the layers of the abdomen .
Various diseases can affect all these systems and organs in them singly or in groups . Sometimes it can be multi system issues . Commonly divided as Benign and malignant .
Benign are the ones which are non cancerous and Malignant are the ones which are basically cancers , be it of single organs with or without extensions and spreads or multi system cancers eg Lymphoma which affects lymph nodes but also few more organs or Neuroendocrine tumors which are hormone secreting tumors or other types .
The above diseases can be treated in various possible ways for which one needs a perfect and complete diagnoses which comes from clinical history to examination to battery of tests in terms of blood tests , radiology tests, microbiology tests etc .
Once diagnosis is clinched and staging for extent and severity of disease is done ( especially for cancers) , treatment is planned by medicine , surgery or combination or alternative procedures which are interventional therapies by medical specialists.